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7. The virtual keypad

A LABKEY ONE feature


Through the convenient mobile application it is possible to access the common doorways, such as a door or an entrance bar simply by typing the assigned code into your smartphone.


  1. Make sure that the second relay dedicated to the virtual keypad is inserted in the control unit (see label on the control unit);
  2. enter the management panel> My LabKey> LabKey> “enable virtual keypad” of the desired Labkeys;
  3. always make sure you have enabled the desired users to use the virtual keypad, by flagging the box;
  4. install the “LabKey” application on your smartphone.
Download the mobile app:
  1. Start the application and click on the "+" symbol at the top right, enter the telephone number associated with the user in the management panel and the nfc code or keypad always associated with them;
  2. save the data;
  3. the main screen of the app will show the list of all gates associated with the user;
  4. click on the green "Open" button next to the selected gate to remotely unlock access.
  5. It is possible to rename any door by clicking on the “i” to the left of it and then clicking on “Rename”.